Why is the ocean blue?

Why is the ocean blue? Everyone has asked this question at least once in there life time. Here are some of the thories that scientist have come up with for this commenly asked question:

•Blue wavelengths are absorbed the least by the deep ocean water and are scattered and reflected back to the observer’s eye.

• Particles in the water may help to reflect blue light.

•The ocean reflects the blue sky.

The Lost Continent of Atlantis

Scientific Evidence

According to the founder of this case, Plato, he said that Atlantis has sunk 11,600 years ago. The reason why Atlantis has sunk was because of the Pleistocene Ice Age. Which so happened to be 11,600 years ago. According to PLato, this is what his dialogues of Atlantis said. Well, scientists found that 11,600 years ago there was an ice age. At the same exact time Plato had said there was. Meaning that there is an Antlantis out there under water that has sunken 11,600 years ago.

Atlantis Myths and Religion

Atlantis is the ultimate source of all mythologies and all religions. The believe in doctrine of final things such as Doom and the Resurrection of the Dead of Millenarian Religions such as Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism all issue directly from the myths of Atlantis and its terrible fate.

Atlantis in the old world

The Celts and the Guanches both originated from distant islands of Indonesia. The true site of Antlantis. In fact, Atlantis was Eden, but it was also the Elysium or Islands of the Blest, its Greek equivalent. The legendary civilizations such as Troy,Phaeacia, Dilmun, Punt and Ophir lay in the Far Orient, and were no other thing than Atlantis-Eden itself.

"The Devil's Triangle"

The Bermuda Triangle is a very strange and mysterious place.It is filled with all sorts of paranormal activities;Bizarre things such as sunken boats and planes have disappered without no legitimate explanation.Horrid incidents has caused this triangular shape area to gain the nickname of ''The Devil's Triangle''.More than 1,000 incidents have happened in the past 500 years.The U.S Coast Guard have answered more than 8,000 distress calls in the area.50 ships and 20 planes have completly been demolished into thin air in the so called ''Devil's Triangle''.

The Loch Ness Monster

Some say the Loch Ness monster isn't real. Some say it is real. Well, which is it? Some researches claim to be mistaken and some not. Well, one witness is Robert Rines. His original trip was to help another monster hunter look for a monster in the ocean. They quickly picked up some moving targets from their sonar equipments. Since then Robert Rines was really obssesed in tracking down the creature with hi-tech devices. Since this is his last time searching for it, he hopes he atleast finds remains of this creature. Well sorry to break it to you, but the "Nessie" isnt real.
The Loch Ness Monster or ''Nessie'' is one of the best known animals studied by crypzoology.It is belived to inhabit Scotland's Loch Ness. It may be a popular belief and interest but their is still no physical evidence as of 2008.One of the most popular picture that is claimed to be one of the Loch Ness Monster is called ''The Surgeon's Photo'' was discovered to be a fake.Chris Spurling [the surgeon's son-in-law] admitted on his deathbed that it was only a 14inch submarine and clay.